what's so funny. fart or eat lemons. farting stopper Why when MELODY says this strange words she will fall in shit pool or she will put her head in obects and say I want coconuts on my head. ThaT'S when she finds out what is her fortune. Her fortune is to take care of her teeth. WOULD Melody ever fart agAIN. Some people call Melody GASSY or gassy diaper. Then she farted. It's the stink bomb in school. Melody say farting means a lucky day no farting stopper it's a badluck day. That reminds me of if you break a mirror you'll be called sayang sayang. It's badluck right also if you plug out your teeth you will meet the bread fairy. WHAT coincidence I have met the farting prince said Nassy. That made me puke. That's when she say this word it happened because the next day she never fart. When SHE SAID PUPAPP SHE HAD A BIG PINK NOSE.
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