slithering and sliding in trouble. THINK POSTIVE. REAL POSTIVE. My name is Reena. I LIVE IN HARPER'S ISLAND. There were lots of murder in Haper's island. We knew we had to get away from this island and fast. That's when our tour guides died. Today's victim is Beth. It's about life and death. The next day , I was walking in the dark woods. It was a magnificent scenery . It was a cascading sight at the forest. My face sagged in sadness. My hair hung limply . I knew TERESA would come . I took a deep breath and a fly went into my mouth . Then there were two baby flies in my mouth. Suddenly I SAW a knife. It had blood on it. That's when I knew that Beth was hung in the gallows to his death like Oggy crushed by a wheel. His legs splaying out and wiggling. HIS HEAD SMASHED OPEN. His hand tring to melt. Then I SAW A PURPLE SMOKE SWIRLING IN MY DIRECTION. It made TERESA SCREAM. It swirled around me and kill me.
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