Mum and I was so excited to go to CSI:THE EXPERIENCE. First, we had to examine the crime scene ,look for evidence and draw it on the diagram.
Second,we had to begin our analysis and look for our crime scene colour and number in the labs. Third, we had to record the injuries on the diagram. Lastly, we had to present our report to Supervisor Gil Grissom. We went to crime scene number one and crime scene number two.The evidence in crime scene two was a bicycle, acting photograph,a wallet,the rubbish dump,a hand phone and a fly.Penny send her last text message to Diana girl on May 4,10:22 pm.Prints on the acting photograph belonged to Diana Reiley. Tire tracks across Penny's torso match the stolen car in the Crime Lab Garage.The screening test identified the substance in the bag as Fentanyl. Penny's body was found the morning of May 8th.Blow fly growth places the approximate interval since death at 3 days,May 4 or early May 5.Medical Examiner says she was dead before she was run over. The cause of her death was drug overdose. Crime scene number one 's evidence was a table, Pizza Hutbox,a chair, a beer bottle, sofa pillows ,carpet and tv control.Prints on the beer bottles and in blood belongs to Unknown suspect. Two types of blood splatter at the scene are Transfer Blood stain and passive blood splatter. The cause of death is blunt force trauma to the head. I enjoyed the CSI:the experience. Three thumbs up!
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