A girl named Sophie didn't know her family was hiding something from her. Then she finds herself trapped in the nightmareroom. A place where mad people die that's freaky right. Now she finds a new home and she stay in her new room that's been haunted for years. are you ready Sophie for an all new adventures in your new home. Welcome to a place that's not like those houses. would you scream with your parents? WELCOME TO YOUR WORSE NIGHTMARE. WHERE NIGHTMARES COME ALIVE. This place is for GHOSTS TOPLAY AND STAY. CAN SHE RESCUE HER PARENTS . THE ANSWER IS NO ALSO HER WORSE NIGHT MARE WILL GET HER. THIS FOR PARENTS YOUR SON AND WIFE ENJOY THEIR TIME SO WHY DON'T YOU ENJOY YOUR TIME IN THE TOMB SERVICE OF COURSE WE MEAN ROOM SERVICE SO COME AND JOIN US IN DOOMSLIDE. SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR JUST GO IT'S FOR FREE. SO JUST GO. LEARN MORE ABOUT NIGHTMAREROOM SEEDGHOSTERS.
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